Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I just need to let this out because it's bad for my health to keep this anger inside me.

What the hell is your problem?! Just because I'm a tech guy, I'm supposed to fix your computer, even if you were irresponsible, negligent and downright careless in using it? Following that line of reasoning, if you stuck a knife into your pantry's outlet and got third-degree burns, should the electrician be at fault for putting such a hazardous device in your office?

Computers, just like your table or cabinet, are assigned to you. You're supposed to take care of them in the same manner that you keep your table clean and your cabinet organized. It is not the IT department's fault if you get a virus because you keep cancelling virus updates or scans. It is neither the IT department's fault if Microsoft kills your office suite program because you bought counterfeit software just so you have the convenience of using software you were used to.

One more thing. It is none of your freaking business as to what reasons are behind my resignation. So don't go around, asserting that just because you have a high position, you have the right to demand why I am resigning as if I was supposed to fax you the reasons a week ago. Besides, you damn well know why I am resigning. Given the choice between removing viruses from your PC and programming fun applications, I'd rather do the latter. Go get some novice PC enthusiast to clean up what you were to ignorant to do. You are a f*cking moron.

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