Friday, March 26, 2010

I digress

It's so hard to do something that requires considerable focus when all of a sudden you have to explain the basics to someone whose job it is to know such things. It's frustrating, downright a waste of time, and completely sidetracks you.

New things, I believe, should be introduced with a fair amount of detail. Things like what it is, how it fits in our lives and what applications it has all deserve some explanation time when being introduced. However, if that something is new to someone because of their ignorance, that's an entirely different matter.

Being completely oblivious to something already there for the last 10 years in one's field is just another way of saying you refuse to adapt to changes that would make your work better and help you do things smarter. Adaptation to change prevents one from moving into irrelevance and extinction, but when I think of it, I won't mind if some people end up in a natural history museum.

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