So when I got to the office today (and after putting my job down), I got a call from an officemate demanding to know why I didn't go to work over the weekend. Now, there's a thousand reasons I could give and they still wouldn't give a rat's ass, so I decided to hear everything they had to say while checking my email on my iPod.
The talk was brief (or so I thought -- I was able to read about 6 emails -- I wasn't really listening), but the tone of voice was intense. Annoyed that we didn't help them "sign in and make a call" in Skype, they unleashed a flurry of complaints about our absence. Seems that people who don't want to help themselves and prefer to be spoonfed will never get anywhere. They won't die because of it (unlike in the Stone Age where you get scalped by a sabertooth tiger for your stupidity), but they won't share in the equivalent of battle glory today.
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